Tuesday, June 07, 2011

My Baby Center...

Sangat lama saya tidak membuka emel yahoo. Rutin harian hanya membuka emel rasmi sahaja. Akhirnya semalam saya buka juga. Dah penuh mel box sehingga tidak dapat dibuka menggunakan aplikasi beta. Terpaksa guna classic emel. Saya dah lama tak membaca news letter dari baby center yang dilanggan setiap minggu. Penuh dalam mel. Kelapangan semalam member saya ruang membaca hingga lewat pukul enam. Saya cukup gemar dengan info baby center. Lebih up dated dari info berita Malaysia. Dari saya pregnant lagi saya dah mula membaca baby center.
 Semuanya dicerita dengan terperinci mengikut umur anak. Dari perancangan untuk pregnant, masa dalam kandungan sehinggalah semalam naskah yang terbaru yang dihantar“ your 17 month old week 3’. Memang dihantar setiap minggu mengikut umur anak yang didaftarkan. Daripada naskah tersebut diceritakan perkembangan normal yang sepatutnya berlaku pada anak mengikut umur.

Bila sepatutnya dah meniarap, merangkak, berjalan., bercakap. Bila si ibu boleh biarkan anak makan sendiri…, Apa yang perlu dilakukan bila kita lihat perkembangan anak terlalu cepat atau lambat. Maklumat nutrient, susu, faktar sekitar keracunan, botol susu, apa yang boleh apa yang tidak… menangani anak yang suka menangis, susuh tidur dan semuanya lagilah. Semuanya ada….jadi kepada para ibu boleh layari dan langgan news letter dari baby centre di www.babycenter,com. Baby centre Malaysia pun ada tapi saya langgan baby centre UK. Sebab faktanya lagi banyak. Cuma nak kena ubahsuai sikit ikut culture. Kitakan makan nasi. Orang sana makan potato…. New born kita 3 kg. new born mereka 4kg tu standard…

Untuk hari ini saya copy tentang maklumat Gigi dan penjagaan. Sebab Aiesyah dah nak masuk 18 bulan… gigi tetap maintain 6 batang yang dah panjang-panjang semuanya…
When will my toddler get all of his teeth?

Teething patterns vary greatly from child to child — some don't have any teeth at their first birthday, while others are sporting a mouthful by then. The vast majority of babies sprout their first teeth between 4 and 7 months of age. (If your child still doesn't have any teeth by 15 to 18 months, schedule a visit with a pediatric dentist.)

Teeth generally appear one at a time over a period of months, and often — but not always — in this order: First the bottom two middle teeth, then the top two middle ones, then the ones along the sides and back. (They may not all come in straight, but don't worry — they usually straighten out over time.) Your toddler's first molars, the wider teeth in the back of the mouth, will probably start to appear by the time he turns 1.

The last teeth to appear (the second molars, found in the very back of the mouth on the top and bottom) are usually all in place by a child's second birthday. By age 3, your child should have a full set of 20 baby teeth, which shouldn't fall out until his permanent teeth are ready to start coming in, around age 6.

Other Topics in teething
-       Teething syndrome

What's the best way to brush my child's teeth?
While your child's early teeth are still coming in, you can clean them with a wet washcloth or a piece of gauze. By the time his back molars have come in (around 18 months), you can switch to a soft nylon-bristle child's toothbrush. Using plain water, gently brush the teeth on both the outside and inside surfaces twice a day. Brush his tongue as well (if he'll let you) to dislodge the bacteria that can cause bad breath. Replace the toothbrush as soon as the bristles start to look worn or splayed out.

Other Topics in toddler tooth care:

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